Zemlja / Country: Hrvatska / Croatia
Godina / Year: 2024.
Trajanje / Runtime: 12′
Produkcija / Production: Eclectica
Reditelj / Director: Rea Rajčić
Scenario / Script: Rea Rajčić
Producenti / Producers: Tina Tišljar, Rea Rajčić
Direktor fotografije / Cinematography: Marinko Marinkić
Montaža / Editing: Karla Folnović
Muzika / Music: Dubravko Robić
Film 1001 noć priča o EMI (85) i MAJI (80), najvjernim gledateljicama i najsmiješnijim kritičarkama
turskih sapunica. Svaku večer posljednjih pet godina Ema i Maja provode zajedno gledajući turske serije
u Eminom stanu u Splitu. Ovo je priča o jednom prijateljstvu koje je počelo kad je sve drugo završilo.
1001 Nights tells the story of EMA (85) and MAJA (80), the most loyal viewers and the funniest critics of Turkish soap operas. For the last five years, Ema and Maja have spent every evening together, watching Turkish series in Ema’s apartment in the Mediterranean town Split as a way of coping with loneliness.
Rea Rajčić je stekla master diplomu iz oblasti filmske produkcije i trenutno radi na novim multimedijalnim, filmskim i televizijskim projektima u svojoj produkcijskoj kući Eclectica, gdje je prethodno producirala niz kratkih filmova, dokumentarnih serija i online formata, kao i tri dugometražna filma. 1001 noć je njen rediteljski debi.
Rea Rajčić got her master’s degree in film production and she is currently working on a new multimedia,
film and TV projects at her production company Eclectica, where she previously produced a dozen of
short films, documentary series and online formats and three feature films. 1001 Nights is her first
professional film as a director.
Uz ovaj formular priložiti sliku reditelja (portret) i 3 slike iz filma. / Along with this form please provide a profile photo of the director and three stills from the film.
Formular popuniti na Vašem i engleskom jeziku. / Kindly fill in the form in English.