Zemlja / Country: Hungary, Belgium, Portugal
Godina / Year: 2022
Trajanje / Runtime: 28′
Produkcija / Production:
Reditelj / Director: Ruslan Fedotow
Scenario / Script: Ruslan Fedotow
Producenti / Producers: Ruslan Fedotow DocNomads
Direktor fotografije / Cinematography:
Montaža / Editing: Ruslan Fedotow
Muzika / Music:
Protagonisti / Cast:
Sinopsis / Synopsis (max 300 karaktera/characters):
Srceparajući portret dvoje šesnaestogodišnjih izbjeglica iz Ukrajine u Budimpešti. Njih dvoje pomažu u školi za djecu izbjeglice i protestuju kroz umjetnost na ulicama – pokrećući na taj način političke rasprave među mađarskim prolaznicima.
A heartbreaking portrait of two 16-year-old Ukrainian refugees in Budapest. They help out at a school for refugee children and make protest art on the streets—triggering political discussions among the Hungarian passersby.
Rođen je u Bjelorusiji i započeo je karijeru kao direktor fotografije. Diplomirao je na Akademiji umjetnosti i preselio se u Moskvu, gdje je diplomirao na Školi novog filma 2015. godine. Od tada eksperimentiše kao reditelj dokumentarnih filmova. Njegov prvi film Salamanca je imao premijeru na IDFA 2015. godine. Njegov drugi film, Songs for Kit je takođe bio u selekciji IDFA 2017. godine. Prvi dugometražni dokumentarac ,,Where are we headed?’’ je imao premijeru na IDFA 2021. godine gdje je osvojio dvije nagrade (Najbolji dugometražni dokumentarac i Najbolja fotografija), True/False, MoMA Doc Fortnight, Docpoint (Najbolji međunarodni dokumentarni film), Camerimage, Artdocfest, Hong-Kong filmski festival itd. Radio je takođe kao direktor fotografije na brojnim dokumentarnim filmovima koji su prikazivani na festivalima kao što su LA Film Festival, Vision du Réel, Hotdocs, itd.
He was born in Belarus, and began his career as cinematographer. He graduated from the Academy of Arts and moved to Moscow, where he graduated from the Moscow School of New Cinema in 2015. Since then, he started to experiment as a documentary filmmaker. His first movie Salamanca, was premiered at the IDFA (Mid-Length competition) in 2015. His second movie, Songs for Kit was selected by the IDFA (Mid- Length competition) in 2017. First feature documentary film “”Where are we headed?” was premiered at IDFA in 2021 (International competition) and won two awards (Best first feature and best cinematography), True/False, MoMA Doc Fortnight, Docpoint (Best international doc film), Camerimage, Artdocfest, Hong-Kong film festival and etc. In addition to these films, he has worked as cinematographer for many documentary movies that have screened at festivals such as the LA Film Festival, Vision du Réel, Hotdocs, etc