Been there

Zemlja / Country: Switzerland
Godina / Year: 2023
Trajanje / Runtime: 9’45”
Produkcija / Production: freihändler Filmproduktion: Stella Händler

Reditelj / Director: Corina Schwingruber Ilić
Scenario / Script: Corina Schwingruber Ilić
Producenti / Producers: freihändler Filmproduktion: Stella Händler / Co-producer: Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen: Urs Augstburger, Gabriela Bloch
Direktor fotografije / Cinematography: Nikola Ilić
Montaža / Editing: Corina Schwingruber Ilić
Muzika / Music: n/a
Protagonisti / Cast: n/a



Putovanja vikendom, bijeg iz grada, odlazak u prirodu il čak put oko svijeta. Dobijete jedva par slobodnih dana, i već ste otputovali. Nikada ranije nije želja za putovanjem bila veća a turistička mjesta popunjenija. Šta dobijamo od svega toga, osim fotografija kao dokaza da smo negdje bili?

Weekend trips, city breaks, a detour into nature or once around the world. Barely a few days off, you’re already gone. Never before has the desire to travel been so widespread and visited places so overloaded. What do we get out of it, other than the picture proof that we have been there.


Rediteljka je brojnih kratkih dokumentaraca. Njen nagrađivani kratki film ALL INCLUSIVE je bio u selekciji preko 250 festivala, uključujući i festival u Veneciji, TIFF i Sundance. Njen prvi dugometražni dokumentarni film DIDA (koji je režirala zajedno sa Nikolom Ilićem) je imao premijeru na Visions du Réel i osvojio je nagradu publike na festivalu Dok Leipzig. Članica je Švajcarske i Evropske filmske akademije.

She is a director of multiple short documentaries. Her award-winning short ALL INCLUSIVE was selected at over 250 festivals such as Venice, TIFF & Sundance. Her first feature documentary DIDA (co-directed with Nikola Ilić) premiered at Visions du Réel and won the audience award in Dok Leipzig. She is a member of the Swiss & European Film Academy.


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