Call me mommy

Zemlja / Country: Ireland
Godina / Year: 2022
Trajanje / Runtime: 15′
Produkcija / Production: Company: Motherland / Documentary Short

Reditelj / Director: Tara O’Callaghan
Scenario / Script: N/A Producenti / Producers: Aaron McEneaney / Louise Byrne
Direktor fotografije / Cinematography: Albert Hooi Montaža / Editing: Vincent McEntee
Muzika / Music: James Latimer Protagonisti /



Šinejd O’Konel balansira dnevne obaveze samohrane majke uz pritiske da zarađuje za život u online seks industriji. Ona voli svoju djecu i svoj posao ali oboje zahtijevaju njenu pažnju. Ovaj film zahtijeva vašu.

Sinead O’Connell balances the daily chores of single motherhood with the pressures of making a living in the online sex industry. She loves her kids and her work but they both demand her attention. This film demands yours.
O reditelju / Director’s bio (max 300 karaktera / characters):


Tara O’Kalahan je irsko-srpska rediteljka koja svojim radom hrabro preoblikuje forme. Ona kreira narative oko glavnih ženskih priča istovremeno rasvjetlujući zanemarene društvene probleme. Njen debitantski film ,,Zovi me mama’’ je imao premijeru 2023. godine na Filmskom festivalu Sandens, bio je nominovan za IFTA nagradu i osvojio je glavnu nagradu žirija na YDA segmentu Kanskog festivala 2023. godine.

Tara O’Callaghan is an Irish Serbian director boldly reshaping norms through her work. She crafts narratives around female lead stories while shedding light on overlooked societal issues. Her debut film ‘Call Me Mommy’ premiered at the 2023 Sundance Film Festival and was IFTA-nominated while also winning Gold and the Grand Jury Prize at the YDA awards in Cannes 2023.


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