Domaćinstvo za početnike

Housekeeping for begginers

Zemlja / Country: MK, HR, RS, PL, XK
Godina / Year: 2023
Trajanje / Runtime: 107’
Produkcija / Production: ListProduction, Madants, Kinorama, Sense Production, Industria Film

Reditelj / Director: Goran Stolevski
Scenario / Screenplay: Goran Stolevski
Producenti / Producers: Marija Dimitrova, Klaudia Śmieja-Rostworowska, Ankica Jurić Tilić, Beata Rzeźniczek, Milan Stojanovic, Blerta Basholli
Direktor fotografije / Cinematography: Naum Doksevski
Montaža / Editing: Goran Stolevski
Scenografija / Production design: Anna Rzeźniczek
Kostimi / Costumes: Roza Trajceska Ristovska
Muzika / Music: Alen Sinkauz, Nenad Sinkauz


Uloge / Cast: Anamaria Marinca, Alina Serban, Samson Selim, Mia Mustafi, Vladimir Tintor, Dzada Selim


Domaćinstvo za početnike je priča koja istražuje univerzalne istine o porodici, onoj u kojoj smo rođeni i onoj koju pronađemo za sebe. Dita nikad nije željela da bude majka, ali sticajem okolnosti je primorana da odgaja dvije kćerke svoje prijateljice, malu problematičnu Miu i buntovnu tinejdžerku Vanesu. Nadmudrivanje i sukobi iz tvrdoglavosti jedne neubičajene porodice prelaze u borbu za njeno očuvanje.

Housekeeping for Beginners is a story exploring the universal truths of family, both the ones we’re born into and the ones we find for ourselves. Dita never wanted to be a mother, but circumstances force her to raise her girlfriend’s two daughters, tiny troublemaker Mia and rebellious teen Vanesa. A battle of wills ensues as the three continue to butt heads and become an unlikely family that has to fight to stay together.


Goran je rođen u Makedoniji, gdje je i odrastao dok se nije, kao tinejdžer, preselio u Australiju. Njegov dugometražni prvijenac ,,You Won’t Be Alone’’ je imao premijeru u zvaničnoj takmičarskoj selekciji Filmskog festivala Sandens 2022. godine, dok je njegov drugi film ,,Of an Age’’ otvorio Međunarodni filmski festival u Melburnu iste godine. Prije prelaska na dugometražne filmove, Goran je snimio dvadeset pet kratkih filmova, koji su prikazani na preko 200 festivala širom svijeta. Njegov film ,,Would You Look at Her’’ je osvojio nagradu žirija za najbolji međunarodni kratki film na Filmskom festivalu Sandens 2018. godine i izabran je za Criterion Channel. Goran ima bachelor diplomu iz kreativnih umjetnosti sa Univerziteta u Melburnu i master iz filma i televizije sa Viktorijanskog koledža umjetnosti.

Goran was born and grew up in Macedonia before migrating to Australia in his teens. His debut feature, ‘’You Won’t Be Alone’’, premiered in official competition at the 2022 Sundance Film Festival, while his second, ‘’Of an Age’’, opened the 2022 Melbourne International Film Festival. Before shifting to features, Goran had made twenty-five shorts, playing over 200 festivals worldwide, with ‘’Would You Look at Her’’ winning the jury prize for Best International Short at the 2018 Sundance Film Festival and being selected for the Criterion Channel. Goran completed a Bachelor in Creative Arts at the University of Melbourne and a Masters in Film and Television at the Victorian College of the Arts.


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