Zemlja / Country: United Kingdom, Georgia
Godina / Year: 2024
Trajanje / Runtime: 19’35”
Produkcija / Production: Short Documentary
Reditelj / Director: Benjamin Kodboel Scenario / Script:
Producenti / Producers: Benjamin Kodboel
Direktor fotografije / Cinematography: Tom Simington
Montaža / Editing: Kaupo Muuli
Muzika / Music: Niklas Sandahl, Lucas Lehmann
Dvije žene, posvećena obožavateljka Staljina i druga, ljuta protivnica, generacijski su odvojene ali zbližene zajedničkim gubitkom očeva u ratu. One se bore oko osporenog nasljeđa u njihovom selu Goriju, gruzijskom zavičaju Josifa Staljina, u ovoj priči o istorijskom nasljeđu, sjećanju i hagiografiji.
Two women, one a Stalin devotee and the other a vehement anti-Stalinist, are separated by generations but united by the shared loss of their fathers to war. They grapple with the contested legacy of their village of Gori, the Georgian birthplace of Joseph Stalin, in this duel over historical legacy, memory and hagiography.
Danski reditelj poliglota sa sjedištem u Londonu, diplomirao je na Nacionalnoj školi za film i televiziju. Dobitnik je priznanja i nominacija RTS-a, One World Media Awards, studentske nagrade BAFTA i Grierson Awards prilikom prikazivanja filma na Hot Docs, Sheffield Docfest, CPH-DOX, Filmfest München. Sa prethodnim iskustvom u novinarstvu i specijalizacijom u produkciji na stranim jezicima i u neprijateljskim okruženjima, u svom radu se fokusira na uticaj čovjeka na globalne konflikte. Vjeruje da dokumentarni filmovi pružaju idealnu prizmu za širenje nedovoljno predstavljenih priča.
Multilingual Danish filmmaker based in London is an alumnus of the National Film and Television School. He gained recognition and nominations from RTS, One World Media Awards, student BAFTA and the Grierson Awards, while screening at Hot Docs, Sheffield Docfest, CPH:DOX, Filmfest München. With a journalism background specialising in foreign language production and hostile environments, he focuses on the human impact of global conflicts in my work. He believes documentaries provide the ideal prism to share underrepresented stories.