Light of light

Phos ek photos

Zemlja / Country: Greece
Godina / Year: 2023
Trajanje / Runtime: 12’
Produkcija / Production: Reconstructing Memories

Reditelj / Director: Neritan Zinxhiria
Scenario / Script: Neritan Zinxhiria
Producenti / Producers: Efijeni Kokedhima
Direktor fotografije / Cinematography: Neritan Zinxhiria, Christina Moumouri, Giorgos Valsamis
Montaža / Editing: George Alexiou
Muzika / Music: Dimitris Miliotis



Prije smrti 1932. godine, jedan monah je sam napravio foto-aparat u jednom od najizolovanijih mjesta na svijetu. Skoro čitav vijek kasnije, jedan reditelj otkriva i rekonstruiše 3000 sačuvanih fotografskih pločica, povezujući ih sa evokativnim snimcima sa svoje Super 8 kamere, time stvarajući kinematografsko hodočašće, gdje su prošlost i sadašnjost isprepletani, u jednom magičnom vizuelnom narativu koji prevazilazi okvire vremena.

Before his death in 1932, a monk created his own camera in one of the most isolated places in the world. Nearly a century later, a filmmaker discovers and reconstructs the 3000 preserved photographic plates, blending them with his own evocative Super 8, crafting a cinematic pilgrimage, where the past interlaces seamlessly with the present, in a spellbinding visual narrative that defies the constraints of time itself.


Rođen u Tirani, odrastao u Atini, Neritan Zinxhiria je živio svoj sopstveni cinema paradiso u Trianonu, istorijskom bioskopu u Grčkoj. Napravio je svoj prvi kratki film sa 18 godina, a četiri godine kasnije osvaja sve najznačajnije grčke filmske festivale sa svojim drugim kratkim ostvarenjem ,,Chamomile’’. Smatran jednim od najboljih grčkih kratkih filmova ikada, ovaj film je takođe dobio i međunarodno priznanje od Cineurope kao jedan od najznačajnijih kratkih filmova 2013. godine. Njegov treći kratki film ,,The Time of A Young Man About To Kill’’ koji je nagrađen u Ingolštadu, produciran je od strane Gabrijela Orikija i Valerije Golino, i sniman je u Italiji. 2016. godine, on predstavlja film ,,A Country of Two’’ – eksperimentalni mozaik pronađenih snimaka i fotografija, koji je doživio veliki uspjeh na filmskim festivalima, umjetničkim izložbama i muzejima širom svijeta (New Museum+DESTE, Encounters IFF, Festival Des Cinemas Differents de Paris/Pompidou). Dobitnik je nagrade Artworks Excellence 2018. godine koju dodjeljuje prestižna fondacija Stavros Niarchos. Njegovi filmovi su prikazivani na preko 200 filmskih festivala širom svijeta. ,,Light of Light’’, dobitnik nagrade Slamdance Grand Prix, imao je svjetsku premijeru na Međunarodnom filmskom festivalu u Roterdamu, a nominovan je za nagradu Tiger Short Award.

Born in Tirana, raised in Athens, Neritan Zinxhiria lived his own cinema paradiso at Cinema Trianon, a historical movie theatre in Greece. He created his first short film at the age of 18 and four years later he wins all major Greek film festivals with his second short “Chamomile”. Regarded as one of the best Greek short films ever made, the film was also credited internationally by Cineuropa as one of the most important short films of 2013. His third short “The Time of A Young Man About To Kill”, a prize winner in Audi’s hometown Ingolstadt, was produced by Gabriele Oricchio and Valeria Golino and shot in Italy. In 2016, he presents “A Country of Two” – an experimental mosaic of found footage and photos, which had a successful run in film festivals, art venues and museums around the world (New Museum+DESTE, Encounters IFF, Festival Des Cinemas Differents de Paris/Pompidou). He is a holder of 2018 Artworks Excellence Award by the prestigious Stavros Niarchos Foundation. His films have been screened in more than 200 film festivals around the world. “Light of Light”, a Slamdance Grand Prix winner, had its World Premiere at the International Film Festival Rotterdam, nominated for a Tiger Short Award.


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