Zemlja / Country: Serbia
Godina / Year: 2024
Trajanje / Runtime: 101’
Produkcija / Production: This and That Productions
Coproductions / OkoFilm Productions, Paul Thiltges Distributions, December, Deblokada, VHS
Reditelj / Director: Mirjana Karanović
Scenario / Screenplay: Mirjana Karanović, Maja Pelević, Ognjen Sviličić
Producenti / Producers: Snežana van Houwelingen
Koproducenti: Andrea Štaka, Thomas Imbach, Adrien Chef, Paul Thiltges, Vlado Bulajić, Lija Pogačnik, Damir Ibrahimović, Jasmila Žbanić, Nemanja Bečanović
Direktor fotografije / Cinematography: Igor Marović
Montaža / Editing: Lazar Predojev
Scenografija / Production design: Dragana Baćović
Kostimi / Costumes: Laura Locher
Muzika / Music: Ephrem Lüchinger
Mara, uspješna poslovna žena i samohrana majka, iznenada gubi sina Nemanju koji prerano umire. Ona se zatvara i odbija da pokaže emocije, postajući nedostupna za bilo kakav razgovor o toj temi sa prijateljima i porodicom. Noseći u sebi duboko sahranjenu traumu, ona upoznaje Milana, Nemanjinog druga. Milan je neko koga ona planira da iskoristi da sazna više o životu svoga sina. Emocije koje dijele prema Nemanji i njegovoj iznenadnoj smrti ih zbližava i oni započinju intimnu vezu.
Mara, a successful businesswoman and single mother, suddenly loses her son Nemanja to an untimely death. She clamps up and refuses to show emotions being repulsive and unavailable for any communication on the subject with her friends and family. With buried trauma deep inside of her, she meets Milan, Nemanja’s friend. Milan is someone she intends to use to find out about her son’s life. Emotions they both share toward Nemanja and his sudden death brings them together and they initiate physical relationship.
Mirjana Karanović je srpska glumica poznata po brojnim značajnim ulogama u filmovima bivše Jugoslavije. Debitovala je na filmu 1980. godine ulogom u filmu Srđana Karanovića PETRIJIN VENAC. Svjetsku slavu je stekla ulogom majke u filmu Emira Kusturice OTAC NA SLUŽBENOM PUTU. Jedna od njenih značajnijih uloga je ,,Esma’’ u filmu GRBAVICA, Jasmile Žbanić (Zlatni medvjed za najbolji film na Berlinaleu). Za ovu ulogu, Mirjana Karanović je dobila brojna priznanja na festivalima, kao i nominaciju Evropske filmske akademije 2006. godine. 2016. godine je Mirjana Karanović imala svoj rediteljski prvijenac DOBRA ŽENA na prestižnom svjetskom festivalu Sandens u SAD-u. Kao rediteljka je doživjela veliki uspjeh sa ovim filmom i osvojila je brojne nagrade.
Mirjana Karanovic is a Serbian actress known for many acclaimed roles in the films of the former Yugoslavia. She made her debut in 1980 in Srdjan Karanovic’s film PETRIJIN VENAC. She gained world fame with the role of ,,Mother” in Emir Kusturica’s film WHEN FATHER WAS AWAY ON BUSINESS. One of her more significant roles was the role of ,,Esma” in the film GRBAVICA: THE LAND OF MY DREAMS by Jasmila Zbanic (Golden Bear Award for the best film at the Berlinale Film Festival). For this role, Mirjana Karanovic won numerous awards at festivals and a nomination from the European Film Academy in 2006. In 2016, Mirjana Karanovic made her debut as the director of the film A GOOD WIFE at the prestigious world festival Sundance in the USA. As director, she achieved great success with the film and won numerous awards.