Portrait of dying Giant

Potret umirućeg džina

Zemlja / Country: Srbija / Serbia
Godina / Year: 2023
Trajanje / Runtime: 11′
Produkcija / Production: Servia film

Reditelj / Director: Stefan Đorđević
Scenario / Script: Stefan Đorđević
Producenti / Producers: Miloš Ljubomirović
Direktor fotografije / Cinematography: Stefan Đorđević
Montaža / Editing: Jelena Maksimović
Muzika / Music: /


Nikodije Stanković, Slaviša Zurkić, Dejan Bukić


“Portret umirućeg džina” je vizuelna oda rudarima RTB Bora koji su čitav svoj život proveli u rudniku, radeći u teškim uslovima, koristeći zastarelu tehnologiju koja se godinama nije menjala. Zbog preuzimanja RTB Bora od strane kineskih investitora, stara topionica je uništena, a potreba za starijim rudarima je nestala. Film prikazuje njihove poslednje radne dane.

“Portrait of a Dying Giant” is a visual ode to the miners of RTB Bor who spent their entire lives in the mine, labouring in dire conditions, operating obsolete technology that had not changed in years. Due to the acquisition of RTB Bor by Chinese investors, the old smeltery was destroyed and the need for the older miners disappeared. The film portrays their last working days.


Stefan Đorđević debitovao je u filmu “Tilva Roš” (2010) Nikole Ležaića. Diplomirao je kameru na FDU u Beogradu. Njegov diplomski film “Kamen u ruci” prikazan je u programu ACID na Kanskom filmskom festivalu. “Poslednja slika o ocu”, koji je režirao, osvojio je nagrade u Lokarnu, Sarajevu i Zagrebu.

Stefan Đorđević made his debut in “Tilva Roš” (2010) by Nikola Ležaić. He graduated in cinematography from FDU in Belgrade. His graduation film “A Handful of Stones” was screened at the ACID program at Cannes. “The Last Image of Father,” directed by him, won awards in Locarno, Sarajevo, and Zagreb.


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