Radnička klasa ide u pakao

Working class goes to hell

Zemlja / Country: RS, GR, BG, ME, HR, RO
Godina / Year: 2023
Trajanje / Runtime: 127’
Produkcija / Production: Sense Production, Banda

Reditelj / Director: Mladen Đorđević
Scenario / Screenplay: Mladen Đorđević
Producenti / Producers: Milan Stojanović , Mladen Đorđević
Direktor fotografije / Cinematography: Dušan Grubin
Montaža / Editing: Lazar Predojev
Scenografija / Production design: Zorana Petrov
Kostimi / Costumes: Jelena Đorđević
Muzika / Music: Kalin Nikolov


Tamara Krcunović, Leon Lučev, Momo Pićurić, Ivan Đorđević, Lidija Kordić, Mirsad Tuka, Szilvia Krizsan, Olivera Viktorović, Tomislav Trifunović, Dobrila Stojnić, Jelena V. Đukić


Fabrika koja je nekada zapošljavala cijeli grad i okolna sela zatvorena je zbog sumnjive privatizacije i tragičnog incidenta u kom je grupa njenih radnika stradala u namjerno podmetnutom požaru. Preostali radnici, devastirani gubitkom svojih najmilijih i posljedičnom korumpiranom prodajom fabrike, pokreću proteste, ali čini se da su njihovi napori uzaludni i ne daju konkretne rezultate. Osjećajući se napuštenim od strane vlasti, pa čak i crkve, oni traže utjehu i odgovore u natprirodnom.

A factory that once provided work for the entire town and surrounding villages is shut down due to a suspicious privatization and tragic incident where a group of its workers died in an arson attack. The remaining workers, devastated by the loss of their loved ones and the corrupt sale of the factory, initiate protests, though their efforts seem to be in vain and without concrete results. Feeling abandoned by the authorities and even the church, they seek comfort and answers in the supernatural.


Diplomirao je filmsku i TV režiju na Fakultetu dramskih umjetnosti u Beogradu sa dugometražnim dokumentarnim filmom Made In Serbia (2005) koji je premijerno prikazan na FEST-u. Autor je više kratkih igranih i dokumentarnih filmova. Njegov prvi dugometražni igrani film je Život i smrt porno bande (2009). Režirao je priču Saša u omnibusu Jednaki (2014) premijerno prikazanom na festivalu u Sarajevu. Šest godina kasnije, na 48. FEST-u prikazan je njegov film Sumrak u bečkom haustoru (2020).

He graduated in Film and TV Directing from the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade with the feature-length documentary film Made in Serbia (2005) which premiered at the FEST. He is the author of several short fiction and documentary films. His first feature is The Life and Death of a Porno Gang (2009). He directed the story Sasha in the omnibus film Equals (2014) which had its premiere at the Sarajevo Film Festival. Six years later, his film Vienna Hallways (2020) was screened at the 48th FEST.


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