Zemlja / Country: Belgium & DR Congo
Godina / Year: 2023
Trajanje / Runtime: 10′
Produkcija / Production: Collectif Faire-part
Reditelj / Director: Collectif Faire-part
Scenario / Script: Initiated by Nizar Saleh, Re-directed by Rob Jacobs
Narrated by Marie Paule Mugeni
Producenti / Producers: Collectif Faire-part
Direktor fotografije / Cinematography: Anne Reiniers, Paul Shemisi, Mijean Rochus
Montaža / Editing: Rob Jacobs & Anne Reijniers
Muzika / Music: Kale
U junu 2020 godine, hiljade ljudi su izašle na ulice Brisela da se suprostave policijskoj brutalnosti i institucionalnom rasizmu, iz solidarnosti sa pokretom Životi crnaca su važni. U jednom trenutku, djelovalo je da će demonstranti srušiti statuu kolonijalnog kralja Leopolda II na obližnjem trgu. Za sada ova skulptura i dalje stoji, ali optimistična pjesnikinja već priprema svoj govor za dan kada će ona biti srušena.
In June 2020, thousands of people took to the streets in Brussels to make a fist against police brutality and institutional racism in solidarity with Black Lives Matter. For a moment, it seemed that some demonstrators would take down the statue of colonial king Leopold II in a nearby square. For now the sculpture is still standing, but an optimistic poet already prepares her speech for the day it will be removed.
COLLECTIF FAIRE-PART je ansambl belgijskih i kongoanskih umjetnika. Zajedno teže ka pričanju priča o Kinšasi, Briselu, i brojnim kompleksnim odnosima između njih. Pored zajedničke prakse, podržavaju jedni druge u ličnim umjetničkim projektima.
Grupu su formirali reditelji En Reijniers, Pol Šemisi, Nizar Saleh i Rob Jakobs kada su otpočeli saradnju 2016. godine. Proteklih godina se kolektiv od četvoro transformisao u veću grupu stalnih saradnika na relaciji Belgija – Kongo, pri čemu se sastav ekipe mijenja u odnosu na svaki projekat pojedinačno.
COLLECTIF FAIRE-PART is an ensemble of Belgian & Congolese artists. Together they aim at telling new stories about Kinshasa, about Brussels, and the many complex relations in between. Next to their shared practise, they try to support each other in their personal artistic projects.
The group was founded by filmmakers Anne Reijniers, Paul Shemisi, Nizar Saleh and Rob Jacobs when they first started working together in 2016. Over recent years the collective of four has shape-shifted into a larger group of regular collaborators between in Belgium and DR Congo, in which team composition changes with each project.