Villa Madjo

Zemlja / Country: Belgium
Godina / Year: 2023
Trajanje / Runtime: 13′
Produkcija / Production: Atelier Graphoui, supported by Africalia

Reditelj / Director: Elen Sylla Grollimund
Scenario / Script: Elen Sylla Grollimund
Producenti / Producers: Ellen Meiresonne
Direktor fotografije / Cinematography: Elen Sylla Grollimund (animation)
Montaža / Editing: Sébastien Demeffe
Muzika / Music: /



Počevši sa informacijom da je njen otac koji je bijelac rođen u Africi, a majka koja je crna je rođena u Evropi, rediteljka nam otkriva kompleksnu istoriju njene porodice, od vremena kolonijalizma do njenog ličnog iskustva međurasnog para u Evropi u ‘50-im i ‘70-im godinama.

Starting from the observation that her father who is white was born in Africa, and that her mother who is black was born in Europe, the director reveals the complex history of her family, from colonialism to their experience of the interracial couple in Europe in the 1950’s and 70’s.


Elen Sila Grolimund je fotografkinja, snimateljka videa i animatorka koja živi u Briselu. Studirala je fotografiju na Fakultetu LABA u Breśi (Italija), a potom sarađivala u Parizu sa više muzičkih umjetnika. Nakon prelaska u Brisel, 2019. godine se pridružila kolektivu Atelje Graphoui, gdje vodi eksperimentalne animatorske radionice i režira kolektivne filmove kao što su ,,Mouvement d’identité” (2019), “Et la lumière fût et autres illuminations” (2019), “Ceci n’est pas une fiction” (2019), “Le Fil(M)agique” (2019), “7 jours sur 7” (Triennale de Louvain La Neuve, 2021). ,,Vila Madjo’’ je njen prvi kratki dokumentarac.

Elen Sylla Grollimund is a photographer, video maker and animator based in Brussels. She studied photography at LABA in Brescia (Italy) and then she worked in Paris as a photographer and video maker with several music artists. After moving to Brussels, in 2019, she has joined the collective Atelier Graphoui, where she leads experimental and animation workshops and directs collective films like “Mouvement d’identité” (2019), “Et la lumière fût et autres illuminations” (2019), “Ceci n’est pas une fiction” (2019), “Le Fil(M)agique” (2019), “7 jours sur 7” (Triennale de Louvain La Neuve, 2021). “Villa Madjo” is her first short documentary.


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