Whole family

Zemlja / Country: Romania
Godina / Year: 2023
Trajanje / Runtime: 23′
Produkcija / Production: ViraFilms

Reditelj / Director: Alexandra Diaconu
Scenario / Script: –
Producenti / Producers: Alexandra Diaconu
Direktor fotografije / Cinematography: Alexandra Diaconu
Montaža / Editing: Alexandra Diaconu & Maria Bălănean
Muzika / Music: –



Tokom pandemije, porodica u žalosti pronalazi utjehu u crnom humoru i video pozivima sa rođacima iz inostranstva. Ovaj film predstavlja intimni prikaz porodice koja dijeli momente žalosti. Smještena u malom rumunskom selu, ova priča otkriva paradokse koji isplivavaju tokom tri dana žaljenja za pokojnim starijim članom porodice. Rođaci se prebacuju sa tuge zbog gubitka bližnjega do humorističnih rasprava o smrti, sa osjećanja turobnosti do veselosti, sa žali uslijed datih okolnosti do radosti zbog spajanja sa voljenima. Daleki rođaci postaju aktivni svjedoci kroz video.
The film is an intimate portrayal of a family’s shared grieving moment.

During the pandemic, a grieving family finds solace in through dark humor and video calls with relatives abroad. Set in a small Romanian village, the story unravels the paradoxes that emerge during three days of mourning the passing of an elderly. The family members shift from the sadness of losing a loved one to humorously discussing death, from being sombre to being cheerful, from regret of the circumstances to the joy of being together with the loved ones. Departed relatives become active witnesses through video.


Aleksandra Diakonu (1996), je stekla bachelor i master diplomu iz oblasti filmske montaže na Nacionalnom univerzitetu za pozorište i film „I.L. Caragiale“ (UNATC) i radi kao montažerka sa više mladih reditelja. Nedavno je počela da režira sopstvene dokumentarne filmove. Radi i kao trener na filmskim radionicama koje se organizuju za tinejdžere širom zemlje i kao asistent na nastavi na UNATC-u.

Alexandra Diaconu (b. 1996), is an UNATC alumna, with Film Editing BA and MA, works as an editor with several young directors and has recently started directing her own documentary films. She works as a trainer in film workshops organized for teenagers around the country and as a teaching assistant at UNATC.


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