Pavle Simonović (1987, Podgorica) diplomirao je na Fakultetu dramskih umjetnosti Cetinje, na studijskom programu za Filmsku i televizijsku režiju. Od 2011 godine radi kao freelancer sve do 2016. godine kada dobija status samostalnog umjetnika u kulturi. U tom periodu radi kao reditelj, montažer, asistent režije na brojnim projektima u zemlji i regionu. Od 2017. godine je stalan član NVU Dramski studio Prazan prostor gdje učestvuje u kreiranju projekata koji se tiču produkcije i razvoja nezavisne kulturne scene u Crnoj Gori. 2021. godine pokreće školu filma za mlade KinoKultura.
2016. godine režirao je svoj debitantski dugometražni igrani film Ispod mosta, među stijenama. Od 2023. godine radi kao urednik programa u Crnogorskoj kinoteci u kojoj trenutno obavlja funkciju direktora. Trenutno priprema svoj novi dugometražni igrani film SOBE.
Pavle Simonovic (1987, Podgorica) graduated from the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Cetinje, department of Film and Television Directing. From 2011, he worked as a freelancer until 2016, when he received the status of independent artist in culture. During that period, he worked as a director, editor and assistant director on numerous projects in the country and the region. Since 2017, he has been a permanent member of the NGA Drama Studio Empty Space, where he participates in the creation of projects related to the production and development of the independent cultural scene in Montenegro. In 2021, he launched a film school for young people KinoKultura.
In 2016, he directed his debut feature film Lowdown. Since 2023, he has worked as a programme editor at the Montenegrin Cinematheque, where he currently is director. He is working on his upcoming feature film ROOMS.